Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
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Load image into Gallery viewer, Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
Load image into Gallery viewer, Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
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Load image into Gallery viewer, Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
Load image into Gallery viewer, Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
Load image into Gallery viewer, Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
Load image into Gallery viewer, Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
Load image into Gallery viewer, Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev

Let me tell you my story - a memory book of grandparents

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Let me tell you my story is a book created to share the memories of grandparents. It includes questions about childhood, family, love, friendship, daily habits, and advice for life. They are surrounded by calligraphically written quotes and delicate illustrations that beautifully enhance the content.

DEAR GRANDMA, GRANDPA, here is a book, a place for your story. A story for the young generation. Let it be the canvas on which grandparents imprint their stories of memories through words and pictures.

DEAR GRANDCHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN, let the book be a gift, an invitation to grandparents to share their story, their secrets and memories, lessons for life with their grandchildren. Memories are like sparks that smolder under the ashes. Trap them in a book to make them glow again.
Author and illustrator: Vida Igličar
Number of pages 64 color pages
Format: 210 x 270 mm
Binding: hard
Please let me know when it becomes available again
Naj ti povem svojo zgodbo - spominska knjiga starih staršev
Let me tell you my story - a memory book of grandparents
Let me tell you my story - a memory book of grandparents
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Grandparents' memory book

A wonderful memory book for grandparents is a wonderful gift for grandparents who pass on memories, stories and knowledge to their grandchildren.

Give the gift of new grandparents

With a book, you can communicate good news in a cute way or give a gift to new grandparents.

Dear grandma, grandpa

there is a book, a place for your story. A story for the young generation. Let it be a canvas on which you imprint your stories of memories through words and pictures.

Dear granddaughter, grandson

let the book be a gift, an invitation to your grandparents to share with you their story, their secrets and memories, lessons for life.

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